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Case Study: Clients can reflect on their health and wellbeing through the lens of wellness and not symptoms or disease

Clients can reflect on their health and wellbeing through the lens of wellness and not symptoms or disease
Measuring the impact of our services has become much easier and quicker

Positive Outcome Snapshot
  • Value for money and cost effective
  • Instant scores
  • Quick analysis and reporting
  • Systematic way to measure impact 
Fact File

Measure Well Client: Torus Wellbeing Clinic

Sector: Complementary Medicine (Private Practice)

Interventions/Services: Craniosacral Therapy, Reiki, Reflexology, Mind-Body Approaches, Action Methods

The Situation

Torus Wellbeing Clinic offers mind-body approaches to support people in regaining or maintaining their health & wellbeing.

Before using the Warwick Holistic Health Questionnaire (WHHQ) we had no way of capturing or measuring the transformational changes in wellbeing that were important to our clients beyond anecdotal evidence and what we were seeing as a result of the sessions they were having.

The Challenge

We were unable to be systematic and robust in our clinical evaluation. Symptom or disease based measures can be useful if applicable to the client but cannot capture broader wellbeing or the areas of someone’s life that are going well.

Having used paper versions of patient reported outcome measures before, this proved to be time consuming and messy in terms of managing client notes, data input, analysing results and ensuring the correct information was transferred to client notes, tracking progress and change.

Choosing not to evaluate individuals can mean missed opportunities at deeper communication within the therapeutic exchange as items prompt clients to self-reflect on their own health & wellbeing; can mean that you miss out on measuring changes and impact of individual clients (as clients like to see results) and more broadly across a group of clients. Being able to report on some of these findings offer promotional opportunities.

The Solution

The Measure Well Hub Licence is easy to purchase, and is a great investment. Implementation was simple and we can purchase credits as we go, in keeping with the ebbs and flow for the demand within our clinic. Since adopting the digitalised WHHQ hosted by the Measure Well Hub it has made the process much more efficient from a time perspective and no paperwork to manage or store. Clients via an easy to follow process can complete the WHHQ either before they come (so not taking up any session time) or in-person on a table or laptop when they arrive.

The Outcome

Clients are given a chance to reflect on their own health and wellbeing through the lens of wellness and not symptoms or disease.

Practitioners can see scores and any changes between sessions immediately. Analysis is done in real time and reports are available for individual clients.

The clinic can report on clients as a group exporting information in multiple formats, using anonymised data and statistical outputs in promotional materials.

The Benefits

The process of clinical evaluation and measuring the impact of our services has become much easier, quicker and streamlined. We would recommend the Measure Well Hub to any complementary therapist that offers interventions, classes or courses for wellbeing to give it a try.

“Undertaking evaluation as part of everyday practice is best practice. Clients like to see and feel improvements demonstrating this using a simple wellbeing score makes sense.”

Dr Nicola Brough, Complementary Medicine Practitioner (MPhil, RCST, PhD)

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